
Table of Contents:

Alerts monitor a specific metric and notify you when the metric meets conditions you set. They are useful for becoming aware of issues early without having to frequently check Monti APM.

Creating Alerts

Alert Button

The alerts window can be opened from the header when viewing an app. If you have no alerts, it will show the create screen. Otherwise, click the Create new button.

Create Alert Form

The questions in each line are for:

  1. The metric the alert monitors
  2. The condition the metric should meet to notify you
  3. How long the condition should be met, in minutes.
  4. If the condition should be met on any or all hosts before notifying you

Next, you can add any emails or webhooks that should be notified.

When creating alerts you will want to find a balance between:

Alert Suggestions

These are good starting points for most apps.

Is there an alert you've found to be useful? Let us know.

Slack Notifications

Monti APM is able to send messages to your slack workspace using webhooks.

  1. Add the Incoming WebHooks app to your workspace

Incoming WebHooks App

  1. Choose a channel for the messages to appear in and click Add

Configure Incoming WebHooks

  1. Copy the webhook URL and add to the alert in Monti APM

Add URL To Alert

To make sure everything works, click the Fire a Test Alert button. You should see a new message in slack.


Webhooks allow Monti APM to notify services when an alert triggers or clears. You can create your own integration, or use them to integrate into other services, for example to send an SMS message with Zapier.

When the alert is armed, Monti APM sends a POST request to the webhook URL with the content-type application/json. The body is in this format:

"name": "Alert name",
"appId": "app id",
"enabled": true,
"appName": "App name",
"created": "2018-09-16T13:30:40.978Z", // Date alert was created
"createdBy": "user id", // Id of user who created the alert
"status": "triggered",
"result": { // Object with the values used to check if the alert triggered. Format depends on alert type and settings.
"success": true,
"data": {
"server-host-name": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"value": 56.5,
"timestamp": 1578970626742
"triggered": 1578974166802 // Timestamp of when alert triggered

When cleared, the webhook body will look like:

"name": "Alert name",
"appId": "app id",
"enabled": true,
"appName": "App name",
"created": "2018-09-16T13:330:40.978Z",
"createdBy": "user id", // Id of user who created the alert
"status": "cleared",
"triggered": 1596475369935 // Timestamp of when alert triggered

To test the webhook, click the Fire a Test Alert button in the alert edit screen.