Monti Debug in Production

You can use Monti Debug in production apps to check the end to end performance of your app. It's a useful tool to find bottlenecks in your app and ways to fix them.

Before you start a session, you need to do some configuration.

Add a debug auth key to your app

You don't want anyone unauthorized to view the Monti Debug data for your app. In production, Monti Debug requires you to set a debug auth key. When starting a Monti Debug session, you will provide this key to authenticate.

You must add this key to your app, otherwise Monti Debug won't work in production.

You have two options to add the debug auth key:

1. Using Environment Variables

Set the MONTI_DEBUG_AUTH_KEY environment variable in your production deployment:

MONTI_DEBUG_AUTH_KEY=<your very long password>

2. Using Meteor Settings

You can also use Meteor Settings to configure the debug auth key. This is how to do it:

  "public": {},

  "monti": {
    "debug": {
      "authKey": "<your very long key>"

This content originally appeared in the Kadira Knowledge Base.